ACYC Small Grants Program

After 20 years, the Subgranting Grant Program of the South Carolina Arts Commission, which has provided half the funds for the Arts Council of York County’s Small Grants Program as one of the state’s seven subgranting sites, is sunsetting on June 30, 2023. As the SC Arts Commission refocuses its mission to promote equitable access to the arts and support the cultivation of creativity in all 46 counties, it is assessing its programs and making evidence-based decisions for moving forward based on available resources, need, and capacity.
With the loss of this significant funding source, the Arts Council of York County is also reassessing its programs, including funding for the Small Grants Program, to see if those state funds can be replaced. While we undertake that assessment over the spring/summer of 2023, the Small Grants Program will be paused.

The Arts Council of York County is pleased to announce the allocation of Small Grant awards for the first quarter of the 2022 - 2023 fiscal year. Small Grants are available to individual artists, and nonprofit organizations throughout York County. These grants are designed to support specific arts activities that promote the individual artist’s professional development or career advancement and/or to support a wide variety of quality arts projects and programs that promote excellence in arts disciplines and make such disciplines accessible for general community-wide audiences.

Total Allocations this quarter: $9,930
In addition to support from the Arts Council of York County, the Small Grants subgranting program is funded in part by a generous award from the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina and the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.